The Family, Motherhood, and Childhood support fund “Moskowiya” is launching a charity action “Health of Nation” within all-Russian contest “Lady Russia-2016 and international contest “Lady Universe-2016.

The given project is created for families children and women to form healthy lifestyle and it's propagation . One of the aims of the given project is to straighten the moral foundations and physical health of the citizens to assist in bringing up a harmonious personality. Various material which concerns the measures taken by the state government to support healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports ,various fitness programs and advice for women, who want to keep in shape, acting regional programs for developing physical education and sports and many other useful things will be published by the winners of the contest.

Besides the most important sport events in which women, including mothers, and children take part, will be described

Nowadays one of the most important problems of the social policy of our government is to propagate healthy lifestyle. Public authorities of

all levels take corresponding normative legal acts and government programs to reach this aim. State and Municipal institutions in the field of sport services, social movements non-profit organizations mass media etc.

Healt is not an invaluable asset only for a man but for the whole society as well. Because healthy people can make a healthy family, and a healthy family develops a healthy society ,and ,accordingly,strong and healthy government. Improving the quality of healthcare is of great importance but it's not the only tool to influence the health of the population. We can't overestimate the roleof the acting legislation of the Russian Federation in this area the government's socio-economic policy the living conditions of the people, educational opportunities, appropriate level of income and more.

Thus, for the population to change its attitude to its lifestyle and to improve its quality it is important that social services, the society itself, and the citizens take part in it

The Family, Motherhood, and Childhood support fund “Moskowiya”


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